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Crisis Response: Healing Conversations

The world is hurting...

Refugees are streaming into a city nearby. New refugees made from a natural disaster fill the news headlines. The faces of families and children affected by war flash across our screens. Maybe you watched the news and felt stirred to do something. But after a while, the headlines go away. The refugees and hurting people remain.


As the body of Christ, we must respond quickly, comprehensively, appropriately, and compassionately. Multiplying Hope seeks to offer appropriate trauma response from day one. Join Multiplying Hope as it seeks to address the emotional needs of people in crisis with the life-giving healing only God can give.

“But I’m not qualified or equipped!”

Multiplying Hope is confident that all

believers have what they need from

God to walk alongside those who

are hurting.


Will you step out in faith to journey

with someone?


** This training does not replace professional mental health care. Some people may need professional 
care, and we seek to help identify and refer those who need it to the appropriate care.

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Healing Conversations

People in crisis are not ready for traditional healing groups that ask them to share their past pain. They need community and survival tools for their immediate situation.

Healing Conversations are just the first phase of an on-going, integrated program of trauma-informed discipleship and leadership development.

Join us for the journey!

Healing Conversations Workshop


Healing Conversations Workshops are online webinars consisting of four sessions. Each session is 1.5 hours. In these workshops, you will learn how to assess trauma healing needs in your community and have initial “healing conversations” that eventually lead to on-going healing groups. 


Healing Conversations are conversations in a 3-part structure that ...​

  • ​Build community and trust

  • Point people to God

  • Encourage them to help each other


Healing conversations consist of …

  • How to listen well

  • Initial trauma healing tools for the first conversations

  • A Bible story that encourages people from any faith background and points them to the God who is with us.

  • Encouraging the very people who are hurting to spread to others the comfort and healing they are receiving.







These workshops are highly interactive. Be prepared to participate fully in each of the four training sessions which build on each other and to engage with others in small groups and pairs. Homework activities between each session build practical skills.

​Training Community 24 begins November 5th

Dates: November 5, 7, 12, 14

Registration for this training has reached capacity and is now closed.


© 2023 Multiplying Hope

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