New Hope exists to extend and multiply healing to wounded hearts.
To multiply Kingdom healing
To equip, empower, and partner with people on a healing journey from past hurts through multiplying Kingdom communities
WHO We Are
As a ministry based on biblical principles, MultiplyingHope understands that unaddressed trauma creates barriers to hearing, understanding, and accepting the love of God. In other words, trauma can keep someone from truly hearing the gospel and creates barriers to spiritual growth.
Therefore, those concerned with sharing the gospel and planting healthy and reproducing churches must pay significant attention to trauma. We must equip and empower lay people with the basic tools they need to address trauma safely, responsibly, and effectively. As lay people learn to use these tools, healing multiplies alongside the Good News.
MultiplyingHope is led and overseen by professionals within the fields of church planting and psychology. In order to create its programs, MultiplyingHope draws on the expertise of its partners within the fields of orality, church planting, and trauma counseling.
We believe that it is not only possible for people who have experienced difficult situations to create multiplying healing communities themselves, but essential in places where professional help is limited or ineffective.
We do not intend to take the place of professional counseling, but rather equip lay people to draw from God’s immeasurable comfort for themselves, listen well to others who are hurting, and respond to pain in appropriate ways informed by God’s Word.
MultiplyingHope's primary purpose is to help people find healing from past hurts. It does so by providing a comprehensive framework that supports people and organizations who want to integrate a trauma-informed approach into their existing church planting strategy and who seek to multiply God's healing in their unique contexts. We believe a trauma-informed approach should take the following steps:
1. Begin by appropriately entering a community.
2. Move forward by sharing the healing Good News of Jesus.
3. Address trauma in healing groups.
4. Provide on-going and trauma-informed discipleship.
5. Gather participants into emotionally healthy groups that could seed healthy church plants.
6. Develop leaders who have experienced trauma healing for themselves and can then lead well and equip their own communities with trauma healing tools.
Healing cannot take place in 7 or 10 simple sessions - it is an on-going journey. From entry into a community to leadership development, MultiplyingHope seeks to help communities establish environments where healing community, faith, and purpose can flourish.
HOW We Do It
As a ministry based on principles of orality, MultiplyingHope uses experiential learning and storytelling to help people internalize and share God’s redemptive stories. People who have survived traumatic experiences, whether literate or not, respond more effectively to an oral environment than a text-based one. MultiplyingHope takes this into account by creating a learning environment focused on the oral presentation and processing of information. This allows participants to learn how to take part in God's overarching redemptive story and pass that on to others. Multiplication is a biblical pattern. God, the source of immeasurable comfort, comforts us so that we can comfort others who are suffering. Every step in our process is reproducing, healing, and participant-driven.